Urban planning

Urban planning

While the development of historical settlements is based on the cheapest fulfillment of primary needs, their further development today is much more complex. It is important to reconcile opposing factors and strategies, to meet a large number of legal requirements and, in particular, to protect the environment and preserve nature. Achieving a contemporary use is a particular challenge in relation to the fragile territory that defines La Palma and 60% of which is under nature protection.

Today urban planning - especially land-use plans - are highly democratic and complex procedures, in which in the first step a development consensus is worked out and presented by many experts. These proposals, which are becoming more and more specific in various planning steps, not only pass through numerous administrations in each phase to examine their interests, but also enable individual citizens to participate in the planning by means of an objection. The time factor therefore always requires a lot of patience from everyone involved.

Aktuell: Special management plan San Amaro and its rural environment

Order from the municipality of Puntagorda to draw up the "Special Plan San Amaro and its Rural Environment", which in the first phase has to comply with Law 21/2013, which initially examines the basic environmental compatibility of the detailed planning with the documents "Draft plan" and "Strategic environmental document" becomes. The environmental commission CEALP drafts the strategic environmental report, the content of which is integrated and the development of the plan is continued in order to prepare the document for the initial approval.

The goals are formulated in a catalog of measures that enable the territorial organization of the area provided for in the general management plan with the provisions of monument and environmental protection and thus promote sustainable development in the social, economic and ecological dimensions.

The main objectives of the plan focus on, among other things:
The improvement of the built heritage by promoting the preservation, restoration and rehabilitation, in particular of buildings of historical, architectural, artistic, archaeological, ethnographic, paleontological, scientific or technical value.
The duality of tertiary society and agro-livestock in crisis, at least these traditional productive activities, requires a readjustment of the model in which cultural heritage and the environment will shape the landscape of aesthetic and cultural values.
So the goal was born to save and care for all cultural manifestations and their environment from which they are not independent.
Promotion of space as a cultural park, a current concept of territorial-rural planning based on the culture / nature binomial. Our goal will be to explore this path of post-productive development.

Im Folgenden eine Liste der wichtigsten städtebaulichen Projekte, die wir erarbeitet haben:
  • Special Territorial Plan for the Management of tourist activity on the Island of La Palma 2002 - 2011
Island Council of La Palma. Final approval Decree 95/2007 - Decree 120/2010.
  • Special Territorial Risk Prevention Plan for the Island of La Palma 2013 - 2018
Island Council of La Palma. Draft Plan and Initial Strategic Document completed (2016)
  • General Plan for the Management of Los Llanos de Aridane 2000 - 2011
Los Llanos de Aridane Town Hall. Final approval in COTMAC of October 1, 2010. Entry into force in the BOP of May 11, 2011.
  • General Management Plan of Puntagorda - Basic Adaptation 2002
Puntagorda City Council. Adaptation of Subsidiary Standards to the Consolidated Text. Approval in COTMAC of December 17, 2002
  • Puntagorda General Management Plan - Full Adaptation 2005 - 2010
Puntagorda City Council. Full adaptation. Approval in COTMAC of October 1, 2010
  • Modification 1/2014 of the General Management Plan of Puntagorda 2014 -2016
Puntagorda City Council. Final approval at COTMAC on June 1, 2016. Entry into force in the BOP of August 1, 2016.
  • Partial Review of the General Management Plan of Tijarafe
Classification of urbanizable land sectorized industrial order, Bellido sector 2014 - present
  • SUSNO-2 Partial Plan, “Buenavista” (Breña Alta) 2014 - present
Individual: SUSNO-2 Association. Drafting team of the partial plan (in process).
  • Specific modification of the General Plan Los Llanos de Aridane 2.001
Individual: VIHEFE, SA Sector T7.1 Las Monjas
  • Partial Plan of the area to be ordered 2.001
Individual: VIHEFE, SA Sector T7.1 Las Monjas
  • Specific Modification of the Subsidiary Regulations Sector SAU7 - La Hiedra (El Paso) 2000
El Paso City Council. Initial approval in session of May 10, 2000. Processing interrupted by the precautionary suspension measures according to Decree 4/2001, Decree 126/2001 and Law 6/2001.
  • Partial revision of the El Paso Subsidiary Regulations for the implementation of the General System "Las Moraditas" 2002
El Paso City Council. Editor. Final approval at COTMAC on July 30, 2002
  • Urbanization Project of the Partial Plan SAU-5 (El Paso) 1998 - 1999
El Paso City Council. Final approval by agreement of the Plenary of the City Council in a session of May 27, 1999.
  • Compensation Project of the Partial Plan SAU-5 (El Paso) 1998 - 1999
El Paso City Council. Approval by agreement of the Plenary of the City Council in session of May 27, 1999.

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